Congratulations to our CEO Craig Kearney who has just completed his 7th annual Smith Family Challenge. Craig navigated, ran, paddled and mountain biked throughout 2 days, navigating over 100km of beautiful but tough terrain in Kangaroo Valley, NSW.
The Smith Family Challenge raises funds to help children in need to break the cycle of disadvantage through education. So far the event has raised $1.3m towards the goal of $1.5m. All donations go directly to The Smith Family to give kids in disadvantaged homes the essentials they need like school books, bags, uniforms, shoes and extra help at school.
A passionate advocate for our Six Ways to Wellbeing, Craig’s efforts have taken “Be Active” and “Give” to the next level!
Organisers ensured participants felt the Challenge through brutally steep hikes, muddy biking conditions, paddling canoes on swollen rapids and kayaking into strong winds along the Kangaroo River.
Craig says “It was challenging, beautiful and worthwhile all at the same time”.
If you would like to know more about the Smith Family Challenge and/or support Craig’s fundraising, here is the link to his donation page. The Smith Family Challenge – Craig Kearney